Welcome To Pampering4life Lifestyle

Thank you for following me and learning more on how you can live your "Best Life" each and everyday just by doing exciting things to awaken and pamper what is most important in your life. Pampering4life is a lifestyle of pampering all aspect of one's life. It is the ultimate indulgence of pampering your mind, body, and freedom. Please make sure to take time for yourself at least 10 minutes a day. Relax and feel your desire to live the life God has given you after all "Pampering4life" is a celebration of you....

About Me

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New Jersey, United States
Just some information about me. I'm a wife, board certified integrative health counselor, and amateur ballroom dancer. I enjoy life by living each day like it is my last. One of my favorite hobbies is to travel, travel, travel, and to learn different cultures of all kinds. After a recent lay off..I realized my passion and purpose in life is to inspire people by showing them how to enjoy their life and to pamper all aspects of it. This includes your health, your wealth, and most important your mind by making the connection to what living is really about. Pampering4life is about making small changes and reaping BIG RESULTS! I look forward to opening up a new world for you so you to can live your BEST LIFE

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Love Coffee? Check out the ups and downs of coffee drinking

We all have those mornings when we feel as though we cannot move an inch without our cup of hot goodness. Whether it is a cup of black tea, or a cup of coffee, we all have our own ways of getting our caffeine fix.

Coffee has its benefits, as well as its risks. Therefor it’s up to you to decide whether to grab the coffee grinds or the teakettle in the morning. Here’s what you need to know.

Coffee can do some pretty great long-term things for your body. It can help prevent diseases such as stroke, certain cancers, boosts concentration, memory and more. Caffeine is a mild stimulant, which can give your tank a little extra fuel throughout the day. The stimulant benefits are also known to lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

There are some negative aspects to coffee under certain circumstances. For those who have high blood pressure, a stimulant is not a good idea. Excessive caffeine may also have a negative effect on those with anxiety, insomnia and heartburn.

In moderation, coffee is harmless: A cup or two before a workout can give you a healthy boost and improve your performance. A bit before work or school in the AM can help clear your morning grogginess.

Despite these benefits, caffeine is addictive and users can easily become dependent on it and have a hard time cutting back or switching to an alternative source of energy. Some who quit coffee suffer from headaches and fatigue until the body adjusts.

Do you have acid reflux or are prone to heartburn? Then coffee is a big no! Coffee has a lot of acid and can upset the stomach and chest if you are sensitive. Switching to decaf will not solve the problem, as it has the same amount of caffeine.

So the choice is yours!! If you like the flavor, and the comfort of your morning routine calls for that fresh brew, then enjoy with moderation. If you feel you cannot function without it, you overindulge, or you feel the acidic side effects, then cutting back or finding an alternative is a good idea.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Nuts about.. Nuts

Nuts to you!

Just a small handful of nuts is packed with protein, other nutrients, fiber and health-protective plant substances. Stick to a small serving so calories don’t add up. In fact, 1½ ounces of nuts a day may reduce your chance of heart disease if the saturated fats and cholesterol in your food choices are low! Different nuts have different benefits: almonds for the most fiber, almonds and hazelnuts for the most vitamin E (an antioxidant), pecans for more cancer-fighting ellagic acid, Brazil nuts for more selenium (another antioxidant), cashews and pistachios for more potassium, walnuts for omega-3 fatty acids. Many nuts also have phytic acid, which may reduce cancer risk and help control blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides. Wonder about the fat? It’s mostly monounsaturated—the kind that doesn’t raise your blood cholesterol. And nuts are cholesterol-free, too. Pick an easy nutritious culinary idea today.

Nuts=Weight Loss?

Despite nuts being high in fat and calories, new research indicates that nuts can also aid in weight loss. Researchers at Purdue University have found that adding almonds to a calorie-controlled eating plan can assist in weight loss. Although the study was short-term and small in sample size, it does demonstrate that people were able to eat nuts and control or lose weight. How? The mechanism is still unclear, but the researchers think that the fat content in nuts may promote satiety, the feeling that you’re full, or the protein in nuts may burn more calories during digestion. Nuts are high in calories but are also cholesterol-free and they provide good sources of protein, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, vitamin E and selenium. In small portions, nuts can be a healthful food choice.

Savor the Flavor  

Nuts are high in fat, but the fat in most nuts is healthy, monounsaturated fat, which can help lower blood cholesterol. Good sources of monounsaturated fats include peanuts, pecans, walnuts and almonds. In addition, research studies have shown that many different nuts are helpful in reducing the risk of cancer and elevated blood pressure. Nuts also provide protein, carbohydrates and a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. But wait, there's more. New research shows that eating plans that include nuts are more satisfying, leading people to eat less and control their weight. So enjoy nuts in your eating plan. The key is watching your serving sizes.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Spice your way to better health

A dash of rosemary. A hint of mint. A sprig of basil. Common herbs and spices used to make foods taste good might also be good for you.

Although most people use herbs and spices, many are unaware that these plant foods are also powerful sources of antioxidants that may have disease fighting capabilities, according to the results of a recent national survey conducted by an independent polling organization and sponsored by Gourmet Garden.

“While we’ve known for a long time that fruits and vegetables and other plant foods are high in antioxidants, herbs and spices have been overlooked as a potentially powerful source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals,” said Dr. David Heber, Director, UCLA Center for Human Nutrition.

New research that studied the antioxidant concentration in more than 1,000 foods and beverages commonly consumed in the US shows that herbs and spices are actually higher in antioxidants capacity compared to many fruits and vegetables on an ounce-per-ounce basis. The study, by a collaboration of Norwegian and US scientists, reported that cloves have the highest antioxidant content follower by oregano, ginger, cinnamon and turmeric.

“Emerging research suggest that herbs and spices may aid in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and cancer, and the high levels of antioxidants an phytonutrients found in herbs and spices may boost the antioxidant properties of other healthy foods as well,” said Dr. Heber. In fact, one study found that adding herbs and spices increase the antioxidant capacity of the meal by 200%

CINNAMON: helps soothe mild gastrointestinal conditions such as bloating

GARLIC: may reduce the risk of heart disease by decreasing blood cholesterol, preventing clogged arteries, and lowering blood pressure; it also may reduce cancer risk.

GINGER: quells nausea and vomiting caused by motion sickness or digestive problems.

FENNEL SEED: offers relief from gas, mild GI cramping and just feeling stuffed-thus the seeds offered at the end of Indian meals. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Liposuction: The Good the Bad the Ugly

Lots of people want to look better. Some have an operation to change their face or body. That's called cosmetic surgery. Some people want to get rid of fat to look better. They can have a special surgery for that. Fat is sucked from the body in a process called liposuction. Lipo means fat. Lipo is also the short term for the process.

Lipo is one of the most wanted cosmetic surgeries. It's done all over the world. People get a leaner shape by losing inches, not pounds. Lipo is not fro treating weight loss.

How is lipo done?

A doctor makes small cuts in your skin and then puts tubes into the cuts. The tubes connect to a machine that sucks out fat from under your skin. You can be awake or asleep while this is going on.

What happens after it's over?

You are likely to be up and around quickly if you were awake during the surgery. If you were asleep, getting back to normal might take a few days. You wear a girdle or "waist nipper" for a while after lipo. That helps your skin get tight again.

Where on my body can I have lipo done?
  • Neck
  • Back
  • Love handles
  • Breast
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Stomach
  • Face 
  • Hips
  • Calves
  • Upper arms
  • Knees
You can have more than one area treated on the same day.

Does the fat come back?

If you eat a healthy diet and exercise, it might not. If you eat more or exercise less than you should, your fat cells will get large again. You may grain fat in areas of the body where you did not have it before. 

Who should not have lipo done?

Lipo is not right for you if:

  • You are not a risk taker
  • Cost is an issue. Your health plan is not likely to cover lipo.
  • You are too heavy and are trying to lose weight.
  • You have a disease that would affect healing.
  • You take a medicine that would affect healing.
What else could I do about my body?

  • Change your diet.
  • Exercise.
  • Be happy with your body as it is.
  • Use clothes or makeup to cover up problem areas.
What's the downside of lipo?

Health risks. These come with any surgery. These risks are infection, swelling, and blood clots.

More surgery. Your shape might not look even after lipo. The skin may be uneven. You might need more surgery to make it look right.

You pay. Most health plans do not cover lipo. They only cover cosmetic surgery that's needed for a medical problem. 

What should I do if I want to have lipo?

  • Ask your regular doctor to refer you to a cosmetic surgeon. Or check with the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery for some names. Be sure to ask for doctors who are board certified in your state. This means that they have passed certain tests.
  • Talk to at least two doctors
Find out these things:

  • How many times does the doctor do lipo in a year?
  • How long has the doctor been doing lipo?
  • What kinds of problems has the doctor had in doing lipo?
  • Ask to see before-and-after photos.
  • Do not let a doctor pressure you.
  • Talk with people who have had lipo.
  • Make sure that you know all of the risks and benefits.
  • Find out exactly how much lipo will cost.
  • See if you can avoid being put to sleep during lipo. You will get better faster if you stay awake.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Hello My fellow Bloggers,

We have been gone awhile working hard to continue to deliver quality service to our clients but we are BACK!! Now that we are back we hope that you continue to support our blog and follow us on our social media websites like facebook and twitter. Get ready for new interesting content for the coming year to benefit your health. If you have any topics you would like for us to cover. Simply email us at customercare@nutritionyoudesign.com. We look forward to hearing from you..

Monday, May 5, 2014

Simple Ways to Avoid Skin Cancer

       Now that the weather is warming up outside, its crucial to know how to stay safe in the sun and skin and any other sun damaging diseases. Remember if you notice a suspicious spot or any change in your skin, its important to go to a dermatologist as soon as possible.
Try to always seek shade whenever you can. If you sit in the shade you can reduce your exposure to the suns harmful rays. If you are planning to spend your day at the beach bring an umbrella or a tent. It is also extremely important to always wear sunglasses since the area around your eyes are very sensitive. Always try to cover up your whole body. Even if it is very hot outside in the summer try to wear a light clothing all your body, especially your arms and legs.

The best way to avoid skin cancer is to ALWAYS wear sunscreen, even if it is cloudy outside. There is still sun-rays that can cause damage to your skin. You should choose SPF 30 for everyday use and if you are planning to stay outside for a long period of time you should switch up your sunscreen to SPF 50. Use water resistant sunscreen if you plan to stay at the beach or go to a pool. Also sometimes we forget but its important to keep reapplying your sunscreen in order to achieve the highest protection. Wearing a hat can protect your face, ears, skin, and neck from the suns harmful rays. It offers shade to many areas as well as protecting your eyes. Always remember to also apply sunscreen when you are wearing a hat as well.
In addition, in most places the sun tends to be at its highest peak during the hours of 10 am and 3 pm. If its possible to limit your exposure during those times it will reduce your skins exposure from UVA and UVB rays. Also, there are many specific foods that are loaded with nutrients that can keep your skin looking healthy and great. This includes Vitamin A which can be found in many fruits and vegetables, and Vitamin E which can be found in sunflower seeds. You always want to keep eating foods that are rich with antioxidants because they fight free radicals that can lead to skin cancer. Certain foods are loaded with nutrients that your skin needs to stay healthy and looking great. That includes Vitamin A, which is found in many fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants are found in tea, vegetables, fruits and even chocolate!
If you really want your skin to keep looking great it is best if you completely avoid any indoor tanning. Indoor tanning exposes customers to harmful UVA and UVB rays. People who begin tanning younger than 35 years old may have over 50% risk of having melanoma. Tannings beds can increase wrinkles, eye damage and can even change the texture of your skin. Try self-tanners, or bronzers if you want a natural glowing look that will not hurt your skin. Overall, many people underestimate the power of the sun. Many of these diseases are very painful and even life-threatening so the best way to avoid this is by reducing your risks of being in the sun or at least always remember to wear sunscreen protection.

Monday, April 7, 2014

How to Avoid Exposure to Pesticides

        Pesticides are chemicals used to avoid any damage by pests and therefore help to increase the production of food worldwide. Nowadays, pesticides are being used more than ever before. However, the use of pesticides can have cause many health risks. If you consume a large amount of pesticides it can cause problems for the reproductive and neurological system, and cause developmental problems. They can also prevent your hormones from performing properly since they are known as endocrine disrupters. It is important to follow these steps to avoid your consumption to these dangerous chemicals.
Firstly, the most simple way to reduce exposure to pesticides is to buy organic produce since organic famers do not use harmful pesticides on their produce. Organic produce tends to be pricey so try to buy the organic produce items that you or your family eats the most. Also, to identify fruit grown organically, look at the little sticker on the produce and the number should be five digits and start with 9 (e.g. 94223). When you buy organic products you are greatly minimizing your exposure to pesticides.
Furthermore, you should always wash your fruits and vegetables for a fair amount of time! In addition, homemade and commercial produce cleaners are much more effective at removing any pesticides. To make your own produce cleaner you can mix together together a cup of water, a cup of white vinegar, and a tablespoon of baking soda and the juice of half a lemon. After all these ingredients are mixed together you can add them to a spray bottle. Then use your spray bottle to spray your fruits and veggies and let it sit for a couple of minutes and make sure to wash off the mixture after. 
Secondly, make a no shoes policy in your home. When you walk across the grass that has fertilizers and herbicides, the residue from these strong chemicals can get attached to your shoes and invade your home. Sometimes, the residues can even stay on carpets for years. This is a simple step to avoid bringing pesticides into your home.
In addition, even though the skin of many produce items are good for you it is best to peel your produce. Most pesticides are found in the skin and by simply removing it it will help minimize your exposure. It will not get rid of all pesticides but it can decrease a large amount that you are consuming.
Thirdly, avoid processed foods especially corn and soy products which are very high on pesticides.  It is a beneficial to avoid eating processed foods anyways because they are filled with unnatural fibers and vitamins that your body does not absorb.

      Its important that people are aware of the detrimental effects of pesticides. It can also affect everyone differently. Children tend to be more sensitive to pesticides. Childrens bodies are also developing so they may not be able to break down the chemicals as effectively as adults do. People who suffer from asthma and chronic diseases may also feel sick after being exposed to pesticides. Even people who live near agricultural fields are also in danger of being exposed to these dangerous chemicals. Following all these steps will help reduce the amount of exposure by a large amountWhat are some things that you do to decrease the amount of pesticides you consume?